trip information
Participants will engage in a ten day immersive excursion to either Hanglai or Nantai, living in the villages while filming, editing, and producing shorts in small groups. The shorts will then serve as the cornerstone of their fundraising campaigns, which the participants are responsible for planning and executing. In addition to encouraging participants to practice innovation, humanitarianism, entrepreneurship, and teamwork, we hope participants leave with a multi-faceted understanding of the historical poverty plaguing the rural villages of Hunan, Chongqing, and greater China.
trip details
Price: $1300 per person
- 10 day trip to Huayuan County, Hunan Province (Hanglai Village and Nantai Village).
- Includes transportation, catering, and accommodation
- Includes logistic support such as:
- accompanying staff
- emergency services
- village guides